Sunday, February 14, 2010

Part 3


Avangaline was just sitting at the breakfast table and just staring at her bowl of oatmeal... she wasn't eating it just moving the spoon around fiddling with it... she was trying not to listen to her parents yell at each other across the table.. they had been at it all yesterday and all morning.. just yelling yelling yelling and more yelling! Avangaline just knew that her parents weren't getting along very well anymore... just out of no where it was fighting about everything!!! and it was driving Avangaline insane! so she excused herself from the table without a bite taken out of her oatmeal and went to her room...
when she got to her room she just sat at her desk chair staring out her window not moving... she was thinking about what would happen if this fighting with her parents kept up... Waht if they got a divorce? Would she have to choose to live with one or the other or would she have to live with both of them, alternating living spaces, through out the year? then she also thought about Kevin... She wondered if she should tell him about what was going on at her house or if she should just let it be till she knows what is going to happen with her parents... she just sat there thinking for what seemed like forever... she didnt even move till she heard something fall off of her shelves behind her... she jumed and looked behind her and saw her cat amethyst standing on the shelf looking down at the trophy that had just fallen to the floor... avangaline smiled and stood up from her chair to grab the trophy and put it back on the shelf... she then grabbed amethyst off the shelf and layed on her bed with her cat on her stomach... she pet her and said "what should i do amie? should i tell kev? no that would just make him worry... but i feel like i should still!" she sighed then said "i am so lost and confused right now... atleast you are here for me, huh amie" she smiled and scratched the cats ear...

1 comment:

  1. aw nice story. oh and how come your not on the site anymore? I've PMed you about a new idea lol

