Thursday, May 2, 2013

New look, new name, same blog

Anyone who actually is reading my blog, you have most likely noticed I changed, well, everything. The name, the color scheme, and everything. But the blog is going to stay the same. It is just the name of the blog really didn't fit what I was writing anymore, so I have been trying to figure out a new name and look for a while now.

Today while I was walking it just hit me. Like a semi on a freeway. "It is just all my thoughts thrown together in some wild display of randomness! Every post is... Just A Thought!" and BAM! blog name! then BLAMO! thought bubble-thought cloud- CLOUDS! new look!!! so don't freak out because you loaded up my page and it looks nothing like it used to! It is going to change a few more times probably until I find the perfect look. The name will stick forever probably, but I want to eventually get my own pictures up here. Not just something I found and edited on the internet.

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