Sunday, April 14, 2013

Grammar Nazi (aka me)

Ok so I have a hard time making friends, and keeping them also. For the longest time I thought it was just because I am socially awkward and I don't get out much. Okay lets put into perspective how many friends I have. I talk to tons of people but, if we are going to count my girlfriend, Then I have a total of 3 friends. I have acquaintances, but I can't talk to them for very long before they start to drive me insane. The reasoning behind all of this I have discovered, is my severe hatred to those that use improper grammar. I can't stand slang, I can't stand it when people misspell words, and I am over obsessed with the oxford comma. (as demonstrated in that sentences, I am so clever *cheesy grin*)For those of you that have no idea what the oxford comma is, I shall demonstrate with some pictures. These pictures might turn you to be obsessed as well, so look with caution!

and there are some things for you to think about. The oxford comma is important and should always be used, or else your sentences could just sound confusing, and hilarious, to us grammar nazis.

Now for some plain grammar fun! here are some more pictures:

That last one was just for everyone I converted to Team oxford comma! hahaha well I hope everyone enjoyed my grammar nonsense, because that was all I had to say for today.

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